Taking the New BlockChain Digital Art Collector Platform MAKERSPLACE for a Spin

One of the founders of a new digital art platform called makersplace contacted me about their new site and invited me to take it for a spin.
What's interesting about makersplace is that it's blockchain based and it's more focussed on the collection of digital art rather than material work.
The artist has to do a LOT of identification verification before their work is authenticated as their own. I think there were more hoops to jump through than setting up a business account at a bank!
I'm brand new to the platform, so I can't quite comment on how the selling part works out. What I can comment on though, is that the way the developers have set this up, it makes perfect sense. Several have tried to do similar type of platforms and I've tried a few. This one looks like they are definitely on the right track. I like Sedition's approach too, but success on their platform appears to require that you already have a large following who'll buy anything you put out there. It doesn't seem like a great place to build new fans.
Makersplace looks to be more democratic so far, but there's also a curatorial element I haven't figured out yet.
I believe at least one of the developers of this platform were on the original Pinterest team as a programmer or founder.
In any case, it's worth checking out!
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