Pondering a Return

Back in early 2009, I made one of my pilgrimages to the sacred desert region in Mexico known as Huiricuta. This place has become very special to me and I can't explain exactly why. Huiricuta is sacred ground to the Huichole Indians as well as many other North American tribes.
Originally I went there as sort of a curious bohemian looking for the exotic, but now I feel drawn to the place for more spiritual reasons that are difficult to express. I can't remember the first year I went, but I want to say it was around 1994ish.
Every time I arrive there I wonder what possessed me to spend time coming to such a dusty, desolate place. And, by the time I leave it feels like the weight of the world has been lifted and I feel ever so light. Part of this undoubtedly is related to the use of the cactus plant referred to by some Indians as "medicine" and others as "mescalito" or "jikuri". Westerners know this cactus as "peyote".
In 2009 I went to my usual spot in the desert to "commune" and began making a large peace sign out of stone. I mentioned it in the book I produced from that trip and I've posted a few hi-lights related to the peace sign on this site: Vagabond #1, Vagabond #2, Vagabond #3
I would imagine that the desert has claimed my stone offering back by now, but because other bohemians who've stumbled upon what I started have chosen to add more stones to it in the past, I'm really curious to see if it's still there and if anything remains.
Soon, I will hop on a bus heading South and all the way down into the heart of Huiricuta to clear the cobwebs and recharge my soul. With luck, I will be adding updates to this journal blog along the way. This trip is pretty much without a plan other than heading first to see if the peace sign is still there. After that, only the wind knows. :-)
I hope to report here from the trip with photos, audio, video, and some journaling. I will also be producing the brand new Skip Hunt 20/20 issues beautifully printed on demand for those who'd like to have a little something and contribute toward my expenses. I've already created my first 6 issues to start the collection started HERE. The next issue will be from this trip! There's also a PayPal button to the left for contributions as well.
Stay tuned!
Skip Hunt :: Austin, Texas

Just added a Travelog page to the site which will be updated via phone during the trip with an updated map as well!
The link to the page is the Travelog LINK to the left.
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