MEXICO 2011 Pt.2 (Summer)
Jumped on a plane 6/25/11 and flew one-way to the furthest airport in Mexico from Austin, Texas. From there I will wander about photographing and travel-blogging using an iPhone and minimal audio/video gear. The only plan is going into the unknown and letting the unfamiliar move and inspire. I will write about the adventure and chance encounters along the way.
I have discovered that while traveling, you're paying much closer attention to all the little details you normally tend to filter out when at home in familiar surroundings. That heightened state of awareness tends to inspire and seems to fuel creative thought. I've learned you can get to this state of mind anywhere, even at home. It's just so much easier while traveling and the potential to see the world from a completely new perspective is greater.
Los Mariachis de Santiago

Mariachis at La Flor de Santiago ~ Merida, Mexico
Yucatan Rain

Arrived in Merida a couple days ago from Bacalar. I really love Merida but the heat just before the storm makes you feel that anxiety that you get when you've stayed too long in the sauna. Only, you can't get away from it. Then the pressure builds and you can just tastes the rich barometric pressure until the rains come down. Then, it's all cool & relaxed until the cycle starts right back up again.
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Merida Folk Dancing

Folk dancing festivities on the plaza in Merida, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
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Campeche Bummer

Just arrived in Campeche and hiked about an hour looking for a cheap room.
There are 3 or 4 small hotels across from the bus station that are way overpriced for what they are. I'm pretty sure they're set up for hourly prostitution use. I was going to stay in the cheapest of these but the girl refused to let me see the room first. That's usually a bad sign. ;)
There's a bus for Palenque just after midnight. I may haul my backpack onto the city bus and try my luck downtown. If that craps out, maybe I'll just keep moving. It's a beautiful day but VERY hot & humid to be hiking around with a backpack.
Would sure like to see something other than the industrial/commercial area around the bus station, but at the same time I refuse to price gouged for a skank room that has nothing going for it but being close to the bus station & available by the hour. ;)
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Cathedral of Campeche

"Cathedral of Campeche" ~ Campeche, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
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Colores de Campeche

"Colores de Campeche" ~ Campeche, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
I'm not sure how I feel about Campeche. On one hand, it's very picturesque and VERY quiet at night. But, something is missing. It's almost sterile I think. There's a beautiful view of the sea but no one swims. I'm told it's shallow and contaminated from drainage. Yet, there's no odor to speak of.
Sales of liquor are banned after 9pm and the whole city is heavily patrolled by the police. It's very clean, quiet, colorful, pretty, and orderly... and yet it lacks soul.
I shouldn't say that. It does have a soul of sorts, but it's a soul that gives me unease. There's a song by the band The Cure called "Killing an Arab". The song is based on a story by the writer Camus called "The Beach" (I think). It's a very depressing and grey story set in a very bright and colorful scene. That's sort of what Campeche feels like to me. It could just be the very strange weather, or it could be something lingering from her distant past.
In any case, I'm ready to move on toward the jungles of Palenque in Chiapas.
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"Templo" ~ Palenque, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
In a hurry to catch the bus, but here's a quick update:
Against my better judgement, I got some Palenque mushrooms yesterday afternoon. First part was great. About 3hrs of the middle part was absolutely terrifying. Something dark in that jungle that I don't want to ever meet again.
Finished up nicely once I came out of the dark park and realized I hadn't actually died three times, nor hunted by dark secret government ops. ;)
There was a giant jungle party going on about the time I emerged from the darkness and all was awesome again. Still, I'm getting the Hell out of there & heading for San Cristobal in the mountains. Much more later once j reach my next destination!
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Queen's Bath

"Queen's Bath" ~ Palenque, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
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Welcome to the Jungle

Palenque Verde" ~ Palenque, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hubt
Merida was definitely a great stop on the trip so far. I suppose the fact I found a cheap but excellent place to stay helped. And, it was nice to be in a place that I didn't feel awkward. Not only did the place just feel right, the manager was really nice and helpful. He seemed so concerned that my hammock hanging wasn't in the most comfortable level and offered to let me move to a larger room that also had hammock hooks without having to pay a higher rate.
I also felt more at home in that city. Not so much like an outsider when I'd interact with the locals. It just felt like I was treated like another human being who happened to be from another county.
Campeche was another story. I had all sorts of problems looking for a room, near the bus station since I didn't think I'd be there for more than a night anyway. I still don't know why the hotels by the bus station seem to be set up for hourly rates and prostitution. Who takes on a hooker at a bus station? Oh wait a minute, they must be for the bus drivers. Duh!
New Audio Travel Phone Blog!

"Mercado" ~ San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
Just added a fresh new audio phone blog from the market here in San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico.
You can check it out HERE!
"El Mercado" ~ San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
Happy Church

"Happy Church" ~ San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
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El Jefe

"El Jefe" ~ San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
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Land of Milk and Honey

"Land of Milk and Honey" ~ San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
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