This is the end, my only friend... Peace Out :: Nuevo Laredo, MX

"Peace Out" ~ Huiricuta, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
I'm sad to announce that my Kickstarter creative project failed to reach it's goal by the deadline, so it has officially been cancelled.
I recorded some thoughts that you can listen to HERE
To those who believed in me & pledged support to my project, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm very sorry my best efforts were not enough to get this project over the finish line. It's because of you that I will likely try again at som point.
If you enjoyed all the work, expense and creative effort I put into taking you along for the ride & would like to show that appreciation with a kind gratuity, you can do so via PayPal. You can use the "Donate" button on my site HERE or you can go to PayPay directly and send your gratuity/tip to
There's more coming, but first I need to get across the border and back into Texas without getting robbed or shot by one of the now three different cartel gangs who control the corridor I must walk through in order to get to the other side.
Wish me luck!!!
Skip Hunt
Austin, Texas
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