On the Move

"Turtle Bay" ~ Akumal, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
Well, my time ran out in the delightful condo in Playa del Carmen a friend had lent me for a whole week. I really enjoyed that place. Development has exploded there in the last decade and in most places that would be bad news.
Not so in Playa. All of the architecture is tastefully done and you get only the minimum of tourist hassles. The beach is amazing and it really does have a Riviera vibe to it.
Hanging out on the other side of the highway in the Eco-House community was just as spectacular! And private cenotes are definitely the bomb!
It was time to ramble on down the road toward a place recommended by three different Mexican friends. To be honest, I am still trying to figure out what the attraction is here. I don't want to whine about anything because for the most part the trip so far has been golden.
Today took a bit of a detour. I began feeling a bit feverish yesterday and through the night. I didn't have any choice but to push on through it with hope it was just a cold. I drank a ton of water trying to flush my system only to discover the 4-hr bus to Bacalar doesn't have a bathroom! Had to go twice on the side of the highway with the whole bus watching and two more times at regular station stops.
Made it to Bacalar and found a room, but the owner's bazillions of children are each taking turns screaming bloody murder. My fever boiling head can't take much more. It's been raining almost non-stop but I did get out long enough to get a few shots and look for a pharmacy. The owner says I should go to the hospital instead because medicine is cheaper there.
I ate a bunch of raw garlic hoping the natural antibiotic would help, but if I digress mañana I will likely find that hospital. ;)
Ok, end of the whining. Hopefully my fever will break and I'll get some sunshine tomorrow so I can hike around and see if I can figure out why my Mexican friends like this place so much. There is supposed to be a Menonite community near by and I saw a man wearing one of their customary hats and a woman knitting with her hair pulled back so tight it looked like it would tear out by the roots!
All for now, and wish me suerte that the garlic works and the children tire soon.
Skip Hunt
Austin, Texas
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