Buen Viaje!

Just pulled the trigger!
Well, now the deed is done. No more apprehension and playin' it safe. Really can't afford it, but I've purchased a ticket for next Saturday to the furthest airport from Austin in Mexico, ie. Cancun. That's not really my destination, but I'll likely stay in a cheap hotel near the bus station and at least take the ferry over to Isla Mujeres for a day. After that, might go to Merida. Though, I have absolutely no plan at all. Just making it up on the fly.
Have decided to go light this time as well. Only taking an iPhone 4 for shooting & editing and a small Olympus XZ-1 compact camera for better resolution stuff.
I've learned to be fairly content without having to move all the time, but there's just something about traveling that gets me to a different level of awareness. Likely due to the fact that when you're traveling, you're paying much closer attention to all the little details you tend to filter out when you're at home in familiar surroundings. That heightened state of awareness tends to inspire me and seems to fuel creative thought. I've learned you can get to this state of mind anywhere, even at home. It's just so much easier while traveling.
Haven't been in the Yucatan or the Southernmost portion of Mexico since before digital cameras, so I'm really excited to photograph areas I haven't seen in nearly 20 years! I've also learned a good deal more now and at least have a working knowledge of Mayan culture and am traveling lighter these days.
I've been trying to find a way to fund these trips with the content I produce. Some have been marginally successful but nowhere near covering my costs. That being said, I live to travel and communicate the experience to others. It gives me great joy to feel that others are tagging along with me. But, the fact remains that I must pay expenses and though I'm not too proud to beg, it's awfully awkward.
So this time I'm not going to commit to any regular booklets/magazines, etc. Nor, will I be constantly asking for reader's support. I will simply remind folks every now and then that any financial help offered at all is greatly appreciated and can be made throught the PayPal button on the left column. If you're as light in the pocketbook as I am but want to help, please forward, facebook like, Google +1, retweet, forward my postings, etc. and that will also be greatly appreciated.
I've also learned that folks often don't have the time for endless text postings or long audio blogs, etc. So, I'm going to keep it short with a few photos here and there. Audio and or video postings will be kept short as well. If I'm compelled to write something lengthly, I will make it available to buy/download as a digital ebook PDF for those interested and I will likely put together a book in some form towards the end of the trip.
There may be a handful of emailed postcard postings sent out to my mailing list so if that sounds like something you'd enjoy, you can subscribe at the subscribe page to the left.
In short, please share in the excitement of heading out again on a new adventure. If you can help in any way at all, that's awesome! If you can't, well then know you're a most welcome stowaway regardless.
The adventure begins in less than a week from this posting!
~ Skip Hunt :: Austin, Texas
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