Sueno de Gustavo :: Coatepec, Mexico (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
¿Por qué
Woke up early one morning and wondered in the darkness why I'm doing any of this. Why make images at all? Why write any of this down? Why care?
At first, it was easy to just claim it's just some artistic compulsion, or something mysterious I'd never know. But this time I decided to dig deeper. Why does it matter if I make images that give me pleasure or hopefully others a bit of pleasure as well?
What does it mean if someone other than myself approves of something I create? If they are giving me money that translates in a bit more freedom to move about, then that's one reason of course. But, I feel there's some other reason I'm doing this. Is it to document the experience to share with someone else? If so, who am I to think my experience is of any more interest than the reader's own experience?
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