Palace Cafe

"Palace Cafe" ~ Opelousas, LA (c) 2011 Skip Hunt
I am not sure what to make of what I've seen of Louisiana so far. The areas I've seen to date definitely seem far less affluent than I'd expected with an over abundant rust-bucket plywood-patched trailer home fleet and wood frame homes that appear to be held together with little more than proud defiance. But the people seem so very joyful and friendly. They've mostly got a hardened severe look to their faces in this region, but that intense characteristic has a softened edge that matches their golden hospitality in spades.
It's difficult to understand the thick Cajun dialect, but they're always quick with an almost ornery smile that's spiced with just the right amount of sas.
Had some Tasso & sausage with black-eyed peas and dirty rice in a little place called The Pig Stand in Ville Platte, Louisiana. I'm still not completely sure what that was that blessed my taste buds today. All I know is that it mostly came from a pig and it made me not care in the slightest that it likely wasn't good for me. In short, I wad in a smoky-tender hog heaven. :-)
I don't know if it's just the mystique of Spanish moss, or the reports of fifteen foot alligators in this swampy Chicot State Park, but there's an uneasy feeling I get around twilight and into the night. It feels like there's some dark secret whispering in the hanging moss that you at once are trying to deny, while dying to know all of the dirtiest of details.
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