The Adventure Begins!

Made it to Bogota & have cheap room, but I´m told area is very dangerous, ie. thieves with knives. Didn`t want to walk around at night looking for a decent hostal, so took first room I could find. I´m told it´s reasonably safe during the day, so I think I´ll grab an empanada or 3 and call it a night. Didn´t sleep much last night, nor on any of the 4 flights and I´m spent I think.
This internet cafe is very basic with dinosaurs computers that keep know recognizing my logins. Making me a little nervous about the security and although I really want to walk around a bit, it´s looking very dicey in my surroundings. Might be better tomorrow in the daylight when I can find a hostal with wifi.
Most the flights went ok, but Olando was bogged down with tons of people getting hauled off the plane in wheelchairs and little kids with sophisticated giant strollers. Oh yeah, old people and Disney tourists... go figure. Trouble is, evidently American Airlines doesn´t account for it and so my flight was late.
Got into Miami and because there was lightning all around, they closed the ramp. Long story short, I had to sprint for my Bogota flight and ran over some woman´s foot with my rolling backpack. I think she was Cuban by the way she squealed Ay! Papi!
Flight was already full with Colombians and all their shopping bags, ie. no room for my backpack onboard so after all that I STILL had to check it.
Tomorrows another day and I need sleep!
Buenas suenos amigos!
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